Sunday, 25 March 2012


This was my second experience in working in film, it was a Graduation film for the third year Film students at my University.

A third year costume student needed some help with dressing actors and checking continuity for this film, and I wanted to gain some more film knowledge.

 The details were given to me and when I heard it was a period film set in the late 1930's around the time of the Blitz, I thought it would be a great chance to learn more about period costumes and how to go about sourcing them etc.

Costume Assistant was the posistion I would be undertaking and I was so excited at the idea of going on location to film and staying in a bunkhouse with all other crew members. It  knew it was going to be both informative and fun time!

The shoot was the 28th Feburary - 7th March and it started with a 3 hour drive to Plymouth via Torquay to collect the last few costumes. However before we left for the shoot, I helped the Costume Designer source some of the costumes she needed from a local costume house in New Milton.

Setting up and meeting the actors was so exciting. We arrived at Royal William Yard at 4pm on the day of travelling ready for the first day of shooting.

Working on set was so much fun, I got to meet so many new people, and it was so good working along side fellow students to produce a film altogether. The third year costume student helped me to get to grips with how a costume designer would work on set of a film, and how to check contiunity of the costumes etc. The actor were mostly from London and some from more local areas to Plymouth, the director also did some street casting for extras which was a fun experience, but prooved a challenge when we had to dress people from the clothes we had and hoped we had items to fit.

On set was definatley the most exciting part of being there, bonding with the actors was also fun, but actually seeing it all come together, and watching it from the otherside of the screen, with all the lighting set up in the built locations was surreal.

Caroline the main actress

Continuity was key and we had to make sure images were taken of every actor before and after they went on set. Here are some images taken for our records:

Air Raid Warden


Nurse Caroline

 We also had some special affects like blood and burns which make-up assisted on, and we worked together to keep them looking the same in each shot.

Bloody Nurse
 The set's that were built were incredible and when on set it was so much fun to see all the crew working together.

I loved every minute of this film shoot, and I met so many new people, I had such an amazing time and has made me realise that I am very interested in persuing this side of costume in the future.

I can't wait to see the final film complete, got a few months to wait yet!!

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