Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Wallpaper Research

I went to several hardware stores to see what period wallpaper they had and their prices.

These wallpaper's are all of a cream and gold colour scheme, however none are quite suited to my brief, also they are all too distracting with several colours and also the gold glitter on the last one is too over powering. I need to look for a plain paper I can then paint to the colour I prefer.

These two prints are ideal, I tested both colours to see which I prefered and I loved the large leaf print with the Fern Green paint, also the Easter Morn colour was nice and would tie in well with the gold and cream theme of the room. However I decided on the Fern Green and the large leaf embossed wallpaper. Later meeting with the Costume Designer she suggested I took the tone of the paint down a notch so it was slightly less bright. I took her advice on board and when buying I decided to get the Sage Green instead.

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