Thursday, 17 May 2012

Building DAY 1

As the Lair flats were up from last night, I decided we should start papering it straight away, this was a learning curve, as I had never wall papered before, however, two friends from film who are on production design taught me the easiest way, and I was soon confident and happy with the result. During papering floor tiles were being put down with double sided tape and then washed over with a black glaze to dull down the bright colours a bit.

These images show the 3 stages of making the wall texture, first was a mid grey tone painted all over, next a lighter and darker tone were applied using cut out rollers, so a dappled sponge effect was seen. Finally an off yellow/grey tone was used in certain areas, to hightlight the room and make it look more like concrete. 

We then moved on to the other room, we errected the flats and started wallpering and painting.

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